STR SeaText Subsea Display
STR has developed a new high visibility underwater display enclosed in a compact 3000m rated subsea housing.
Full advantage is taken of the latest high efficiency white LED dot matrix technology to realise a very power efficient high visibility design, ideal for battery powered applications.
The display is user configurable to allow for a comprehensive range of input signal formats and display modes. These include RS232 & RS485.
Additional features include display brightness adjustment and the ability to light activate the display.
The display can be used for a wide range of applications, for example to display heading, pitch and roll output from a subsea gyro powered from a battery pack.
Key Features
- High visibility under water
- Highly configurable by user
- Adjustable brightness display
- High efficiency
- Low power requirement
- Very low standby power
- Light activated turn-on
- Compact size
- 3000m rated as standard
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