The SeaSpyder Underwater Drop Camera System is part of a family of field proven camera systems manufactured by STR for the marine survey and environmental communities. This technology has been developed continually by STR for several years in order to satisfy the ever increasing demand for quality and performance.
The SeaSpyderHD is designed for operation in water depths up to 3000m utilising coaxial or fibre-optic umbilicals.
The system as standard offers simultaneous uninterupted recording of low latency live video footage along with high resolution stills photography, along with interfacing to a wide range of sensors and dataloggers
The stills camera is fitted with a high quality 18 mega pixel digital SLR Camera offering full control of all photograpic parameters including manual focus, shutter speed and aperture. The stills camera is housed within a robust 3000m rated aluminium enclosure along with a water corrected lens and also forms the mounting point for HD video camera and quad scaling lasers.
Video footage is provided by the STR SeaSpectrumHD camera offering high a quality 1080P video feed via HD-SDI over dedicated high speed fibre optic link.
All data is transferred directly to the surface unit for live interpretation, this includes HD video, stills photos, serial sensor data and Ethernet data such as an imaging sonar.
A 19” rack mount Surface Control Unit and powerful topside processor give full remote control of the camera via the easy to use GUI software.
As standard, the purpose designed camera deployment frame is fitted with a subsea electronics and camera housing, high power underwater flash, an array of four high intensity LED lamps, quad scaling lasers, altimeter, depth sensor and a heading sensor. Many other sensors are easily integrated via numerous serial & Ethernet data channels.
The system is capable of operating over a wide variety of fibre optic umbilicals allowing very high speed data transfer with extremely low latency. Operation over standard armoured coax cable up to 3000m is also supported utilising the STR SeaSpectrumIP video camera with minimal extra latency.
For ease of transportation, fast mobilisation and maximum robustness the Surface Control Unit and topside processor are housed within a shock mounted, waterproof Peli-Hardigg transportation case with internal 19” rack mounted flip out monitors.
Key Features
- Operation in water depths up to 3000m
- Simultaneous uninterrupted recording
- Interfacing to wide range of sensors and dataloggers
- High resolution stills photography
- Direct data transfer for live interpretation
- Fully remote controllable stills camera settings
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