
Sonardyne 8240 Omni-Directional Mini ROVNav 6 Transceiver

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Sonardyne 8240 Omni-Directional Mini ROVNav 6 Transceiver

Mini ROVNav 6 is a 6G® ranging and telemetry Long BaseLine (LBL) transceiver specifically designed for installation on work class ROVs.

Its full support of Sonardyne Wideband®2 signal processing techniques offers improved range and acoustic performance in challenging conditions such as on noisy vehicles or in multipath environments.

Mini ROVNav 6 is also a fully compatible USBL responder or transponder compatible with Sonardyne Wideband 1 and 2 USBL systems and HPR 400.

The internal li-ion rechargeable battery pack also enables emergency transponder mode, so if the umbilical and therefore power is cut to the ROV it can still be located by USBL.

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