Optimal Ranging ORION Tone Generator
The Orion underwater utility survey system brings the power of model-based processing to cable and pipeline Depth of Burial (DOB) surveys.
The method is based on the optimization of data from multiple sensors against a physical model of the magnetic field expected from a utility line carrying an AC tone (actively applied or passively present). System accuracy is estimated and presented in real-time.
Magnetic field distortion due to co-linear underwater conductors can occur when multiple pipelines share a right of way, or multiple wind farm power cables are closely spaced at landfall. The Orion system self-identifies these errors and presents them as confidence intervals on the measured Depth of Burial.
In the 4 or 6 sensor configuration, Orion can decouple this distortion from the target pipeline or cable, resulting in a more accurate Depth of Burial estimate, with an improved confidence interval.
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