
MacArtney NEXUS Mk 4 Fibre Optic Multiplexer

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MacArtney NEXUS Mk 4 Fibre Optic Multiplexer

The MacArtney NEXUS MK IV is a multibeam sonar multiplexer that carries all signals over one single mode optical fibre via CWDM (coarse wavelength division mulitplexing).

The system encompasses MacArtney (P)ECL fibre optic converters, the Cypress multiplexer, minicontroller and Ethernet converters.
Power switching is software controlled and can be installed on any computer with at least one com port (real or USB). The protocol is open and can be integrated into customer software for monitoring convenience.

Sensor power status, leak alarm, telemetry link, etc., are also continually moni-tored through the software.

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