
Edgetech 4205

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Edgetech 4205


The next generation 4205 is a versatile side scan sonar system that can be configured for almost any survey application from shallow to deep water operations. The 4205 utilizes EdgeTech’s Full Spectrum® CHIRP technology to provide crisp, high resolution imagery at ranges up to 50% greater than non-CHIRP systems; thus allowing customers to cover larger areas and save money spent on costly surveys. In addition to the high-resolution imagery that EdgeTech is known for, the 4205 comes with a number of new features which makes the system even more flexible and powerful in offshore operations.

The 4205 is available in either a tri-frequency side scan sonar configuration or motion tolerant and multi-pulse configuration. The tri-frequency version allows surveyors the option to operate any two frequencies simultaneously from the tri-frequency system. Long range operations for example can be achieved with a selection of 230/540 kHz combination. Then, on-demand the system can be changed to a 540/850kHz system for an even higher resolution survey.

The 4205 motion tolerant configuration with multi-pulse provides surveyors the ability to operate either at faster survey speeds or in more adverse weather conditions while still obtaining high quality underwater imagery. Additionally, this configuration can be operated in a single pulse high-resolution mode for those operations that require an even more finite view of the seafloor.

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