
EdgeTech 2400 TV-D FS Deep Tow System

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EdgeTech 2400 TV-D FS Deep Tow System

EdgeTech’s 2400 Series is a fully integrated combined side scan sonar & sub-bottom profiling system designed for deep water operation in depths up to 6,000m.

The 2400 can be completely configured by the user to best suit the applications at hand. The system comes with a dual simultaneous frequency side scan sonar with a choice of 75 kHz, 120 kHz or 410 kHz frequencies; any of which can be paired together.

The 2400 also comes with the choice of a wideband sub-bottom profiler. Frequency options for the sub-bottom profiler are 1-10 kHz, 2-16 kHz or 4-24 kHz.

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